COVID-19 is having a devastating impact on countries across the world and is especially tough in low income countries that don’t have strong social safety nets for those losing their jobs and livelihoods. Union Aid Abroad – APHEDA is working with the key construction union in Cambodia on the ban asbestos campaign to help protect construction workers from asbestos related cancers and also advocate for rights of those laid off due to COVID19. The project is supported also  by the Solidarity Centre (USA), Australian Aid and your donations.

Construction has been a key employment sector in Cambodia. Until COVID-19 the country was in the middle of a construction boom employing approximately 250,000 workers, 40% of whom are women. Many have now lost their jobs.  

Given the COVID19  crisis unfolding, Union Aid Abroad is integrating COVID-19 responses in programs we support wherever possible.

This video clip has been made by the Building and Woodworkers Trade Union Federation  Cambodia, with the support of APHEDA Cambodia team to bring to us  the voices of those affected  and efforts by the union  to support them.



The Global Justice Organisation of the Australian Union Movement

The work of Union Aid Abroad – APHEDA relies on the efforts of thousands of Australian unionists and internationalists who raise funds, volunteer, and take action to build solidarity across borders. 

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