Thursday, April 30, 2020 | Frontpage
By rallying on the streets, supporting the solidarity tour of visiting Filipino unionists, and by meeting with your elected representatives, you secured the solidarity of West Australian parliamentarians!
Tuesday, March 31, 2020 | Frontpage
Thanks to the solidarity of hundreds of Australian union members who rallied on the streets, wrote letters of protest, and attended advocacy talks from visiting Filipino unionists, trade union repression in the Philippines has been called to the attention of the Australian government!
Tuesday, March 31, 2020 | Frontpage
As the pandemic spreads, workers and communities in the Global South are taking action to not only stop the spread, but also to prepare for a post-pandemic world where the rights to healthcare, education, and good jobs are strengthened.
Thursday, January 30, 2020 | Frontpage, Fundraising
On Human Rights Day, union members across Australia rallied in solidarity with their brothers and sisters in the Philippines who have been targeted by the Duterte regime. In Sydney, Melbourne, Canberra, and Perth, Union Aid Abroad – APHEDA activists joined with Australian unions to tell the Duterte government to #StoptheAttacks.
Thursday, January 30, 2020 | Frontpage, Fundraising
Philippine union members need our solidarity. The Duterte regime needs to know that the world will not remain silent while trade union members continue to be persecuted. Here are five things you can do to stand with unionists in the Philippines.