Karen Women are speaking out for their community
Despite the ongoing violence in Karen State, Myanmar, the KWO is standing strong to work for and with its community.
Despite the ongoing violence in Karen State, Myanmar, the KWO is standing strong to work for and with its community.
The Karen Women’s Organisation is strengthening the capacity of Karen women in Karen State and in refugee camps along the Thai-Myanmar Border to claim their rights.
On her Australian advocacy tour, Naw K’nyaw Paw called on her audiences to stand with those refugee women in their fight for a dignified life, a just community, and a peaceful future.
On the Thai-Myanmar border, women are building their collective power to build peace in their country and well-being in their communities in the face of growing militarisation and a precarious peace.
“By standing together across borders, we can make a better world” – that was the message that celebrated human rights activist Naw K’nyaw Paw delivered to Union Aid Abroad – APHEDA members and supporters in the 2019 Annual Dinner. Here, we present an excerpt from her keynote speech, in which she calls us to “work together to make a difference.”