ACT trivia night sets the bar for years to come

News Post

Jun 29, 2018


ACT trivia night sets the bar for years to come

Jun 29, 2018

More than 100 supporters of global solidarity packed out ‘The Tradies’ in Canberra on 21 June to celebrate the first Union Aid Abroad – APHEDA trivia night the city had seen in years.

Despite fierce competition round after round, the aim of the evening was to support APHEDA projects. By the end of the evening, over $3000 had been raised and three people joined the global solidarity family (welcome to our wonderful new members!).

Supporters came from a range of backgrounds including union staff, delegates, academics, workers and the broader Canberran community.

But it was a mixed table of CPSU, HSU and MEAA members who took victory, having their team’s name emblazoned as inaugural victors on the custom-built-from-recycled-parts APHEDA trophy.

Buoyed by community support, the ACT APHEDA activists committed not only to repeat their efforts in 2019, but to increase and expand on this year’s event (they’re gunna need a bigger venue!).