Solidarity in Action:
Our Projects

Union Aid Abroad-APHEDA, as the global justice organisation of the Australian union movement, works to support stronger union and social movements in thirteen locations in Southeast Asia, the Pacific, the Middle East, and Southern Africa. We do that by working in partnership with thirty-nine local unions and community organisations through thirty projects and campaigns.

Our approach to development and movement-building work is centred in values of partnership, solidarity, equality, justice, and accountability.

We provide on-the-ground assistance which aims to address the causes of injustice and inequality, not the symptoms.

We support organised movements of people to make their own change possible, by exerting political pressure for just and sustainable solutions.

We recognise our solidarity with the working classes and marginalised people of the Global South and stand with them, as together we struggle for a better world.

We seek to deploy funds in effective and strategic ways, with accountability to partner organisations, funding bodies and our own members.

Here are some of the projects and campaigns we undertake in collaboration with communities in our region and beyond:

By working to support strong movements of people, we can fight inequality and corporate greed. History shows us we can demand a just world.

Kate Lee

Executive Officer, Union Aid Abroad - APHEDA

To learn more about how we put our solidarity into action, take a look at the 2023 Annual Report, where you can read about our partnerships and projects, the activism and advocacy of our members, and the progress of our campaign to ban asbestos across Asia.

Our partner organisation, ALTSEAN-Burma (Alternative ASEAN Network on Burma), through their Women of Burma (WoB) program, is supporting brave women to speak out against the injustices their people are enduring.
Union Aid Abroad-APHEDA is celebrating 40 years of building union power and global solidarity! Join us for our special anniversary dinners.
Reports from Union Aid Abroad-APHEDA's partner organisations indicate the stressful situation on the ground, with young civilians panicking and seeking to leave the country in masses to avoid serving in the military which many of them have protested against.
Legislation banning asbestos use and providing safeguards to protect Ukrainians from deadly workplace exposures took effect on October 1. This brings Ukraine into harmony with European Union member states.
Dr Olfat Mahmoud died at home on 24 September. She was a leading, and much-loved, advocate for the rights of Palestinians, women, refugees, children, and people with disabilities.
Union Aid Abroad – APHEDA has launched an emergency appeal to provide funds to our partner organisation in Palestine, the MA’AN Development Center, to provide immediate relief to people in Gaza.
Samoa First Union is the first and only private sector union in Samoa and have become well-known nationally for their advocacy for workers’ rights across a broad spectrum of industries and issues, including supporting workers in Australia’s Pacific Australia Labour
Australian aid agencies issue an urgent plea for the Prime Minister to push for a de-escalation of the Gaza crisis and increased humanitarian relief during his official visit to Washington DC as death toll rises overnight
Join Union Aid Abroad-APHEDA on Wednesday November 29, the International Day of Solidarity with the Palestinian People, to express our solidarity.

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