International Women’s Day 2016

QLD - IWD Fundraiser
APHEDA activists in Brisbane are hosting a fundraiser. International Women’s Day is an opportunity for women around the world to celebrate the achievements of the past and to recognise how far we have come.
For women unionists in Brisbane it is also opportunity to raise money for the many community development projects that APHEDA are currently supporting. Come along, celebrate and help APHEDA support women’s community development projects in our region.
Thursday March 10, 5pm at the CEPU Building 41 Peel Street South Brisbane.
RSVP: Lindy Burke at

NSW - IWD Lunch
In Sydney, Unions NSW and Union Aid Abroad-APHEDA are co-hosting an IWD Lunch and we will hear how Asbestos is impacting women in our region. We’ll also take action in Solidarity with the women organising at the frontline of this global struggle.
Tuesday March 8 at 12:30 at the NSW Transport Workers Union – RSVPs to Kate at
There’s more info here.

VIC - IWD Gala Celebration
In Melbourne the Women’s Rights at Work Festival will end with a Gala celebration and APHEDA fundraiser on Friday March 11 – there’s more details here: