On Saturday 15 May 2021, solidarity for workers in Myanmar was on full display after the delayed May Day March in Hobart. The Tasmanian Grassroots Union Choir came together to host a solidarity singalong to raise funds for workers in Myanmar. In high spirits after the march which was led by Michele O’Neil (President of the Australian Council of Trade Unions (ACTU) and member of the APHEDA Committee of Management) together with Jess Munday (head of Unions Tasmania), unionists spilled into the Duke hotel for a solidarity singalong for Myanmar.

Images: Michele O’Neil and Jessica Munday lead the May Day march; Unionists in Hobart prepare to march.
The Tasmanian Grassroots Union Choir led the singalong with trade union classics like Internationale with a rousing rendition of Solidarity Forever too.
All in all, it was a lively gathering with a strong show support for our brothers and sisters in Myanmar. The Tasmanian Grassroots Union Choir helped raise over $300 on the day and more support keeps coming in.
The Choir would like to send a special shout-out to The Duke, a venue that doesn’t usually open until dinnertime. Yet the proprietors, Kartika and Doug, are committed to supporting local talent, social justice, human rights and climate justice. They even insisted that the flyers for the event with the QR code donation link should be left so that the evening patrons attending the venue could learn more about the situation in Myanmar. Amazing solidarity all round!

If you have an idea for a fundraising event to raise funds for projects supported by APHEDA, please get in touch with our National Organiser, Jarred Sferruzzi. For more information about becoming an Union Aid Abroad – Activist, visit our Activist Group page.
Stand with Myanmar
Union Aid Abroad – APHEDA has stood with civil society organisations, trade unions and activists in Myanmar and on the Thai-Myanmar border for over 25 years as they have struggled for peace and democracy. We will continue to stand with them today.
By making a donation today, you will help APHEDA’s partner organisations in Myanmar and on the Thai-Myanmar border stay strong as they resist military oppression and build political power during the crisis. For our partner organisations in Myanmar, it is crucial that they retain the successful movement-building work they have already achieved and that they are equipped with the resources they need to operate under a state of military oppression. They are in for a long struggle ahead and will need to increase their organising, advocacy and education on the ground. On the Thai-Myanmar border, our partner organisations are dealing with an urgent humanitarian crisis as the airstrikes intensify and people are displaced.