Melbourne Update – March 2017

News Post

Mar 30, 2017


Melbourne Update – March 2017

Mar 30, 2017

Our activities this month were focused strongly on the women of the union movement. The awesome VTHC-led Women’s Rights at Work (WRAW) festival provided multiple opportunities for working women to come together and share political ideas and campaign strategies over 10 glorious days of activity.

Samantha Bond from Union Aid Abroad APHEDA presented on Global Solidarity and Women at the AWU Women’s Conference and facilitated workshops at the No Gendered Violence in the Workplace conference.

Gendered violence continues to be an issue across all countries where APHEDA works and numerous partner organisations deal with gender based violence as part of their core activity. We look forward to more opportunities to work towards genuine equality in the workplace, uniting with our sisters in the movement here in Australia and across all areas of APHEDA’s project work.

In addition, Union Aid Abroad was proud to support the sensational industrial action on International Women’s Day by Early Childhood Educators in Brunswick, demanding Equal pay. Standing together with community members, union leaders and strong powerful United Voice members as part of a National Day of Action. #BigStepsNow was fantastic and proudly echoed the slogan of our Partner Organisation the Karen Women’s Organisation (KWO) on the Thai Burma Border – ‘A Woman’s Place is in the Struggle’. Solidarity to our Sisters all over the world who took action on this day to loudly voice their demands for justice and equality for women everywhere.

Big Steps Now Melbourne

Big Steps Now rally – March 2017

The Karen Women’s Organisation (KWO) are just one of our partner organisations working on gender-based violence. Read their International Women’s Day statement.

Karen Women's Organisation

Let us be inspired today, let us not give up hope, let us continue to resist.