Activists recruit record number of APHEDA members at NexGen Conference

News Post

Jun 29, 2017


Activists recruit record number of APHEDA members at NexGen Conference

Jun 29, 2017

How good are Union Aid Abroad – APHEDA members?  Based on the efforts of active members at the NexGen Conference they are awesome.  By the end of the conference we had signed up 124 new members!

Not only that, but our social media presence on Facebook, Twitter and Instragram during the conference even had people outside of the event joining up too!

There are an awful lot of people to thank and we are going to do that in a different space because there were more than 40 people who played a part in encouraging others to join. We are grateful to everyone who helped before the Conference by signing up workmates before they arrived, those who helped by explaining the important role that APHEDA plays in the world, those who helped at the Dinner, those who helped on the stand during breaks and those who wore our red ‘Global Solidarity’ tshirts and helped lift our presence.

We were also really fortunate to have some of our international staff attend the conference and they are still buzzing about their experience in the workshops. Elisabeth, Sharan, Khampasong and Ramesh are also grateful for being able to catch up with old friends and meet many new friends. Our Global Solidarity breakfast was well attended and it was great to see APHEDA activists come out early to hear from Elisabeth and Sharan about the impact Australian unionists are having in Timor Leste and in the Mekong region.

Of course not all potential unionists joined and we know that there are activists who are returning to their workplaces to continue to organise new members and new activists for APHEDA.  This is great news.

The mood at the Conference was great – it was an exciting and powerful event for Australian unionists and it was wonderful to be part of it.  Union Aid Abroad APHEDA is a core part of our union movement.  We bring to life the global solidarity dimension of being union through our work.  Our new members will increase our contribution to realise human rights and equality through movement building.

Together we are mighty!