Raffle Results 2017

News Post

Jun 9, 2017


Raffle Results 2017

This years’ raffle was a great success. Tickets came in from all corners of Australia and our booksellers’ were out in force having fun and raising funds for Union Aid Abroad – APHEDA.

Union members, union officers and retired union members rallied to the cause of Union Aid Abroad-APHEDA to once again raise $80,000 towards the great international solidarity work that’s carried out in the name of Australia’s union members.

The Union Aid Abroad-APHEDA raffle for 2017 was drawn at the Trades Hall Auditorium, 4 Goulburn St, Sydney on Thursday June 8, 2017 at 5:45pm. Thanks to the Secretary of Unions NSW, Mark Morey, for drawing the winning tickets.

Congratulations to everyone who supported the 2017 APHEDA Raffle. You are all winners for standing with workers around the world striving for justice and safe and decent work. Of course, a special congratulations to our three winners from the barrel. 


1st prize – $8,000 travel voucher : A Young NSW (#14645)

2nd prize – Gazelle Bicycle valued at $2,499: G Mortlock WA (#28861)

3rd prize – $500 Abbey’s Bookshop voucher : N Soderman VIC (#26004)

Booksellers prize: TBA