Release Ahed Tamimi

News Post

Jan 31, 2018


Release Ahed Tamimi

For release 31 January 2018

Union Aid Abroad-APHEDA enjoys a deep relationship with the Palestinian people developed over 30 years of solidarity and support in which we have worked with Palestinian partner organisations to build sustainable livelihoods, strengthen civil society, and help communities living under the ongoing military blockade of Gaza.

“We join the chorus of concerned citizens around the world calling for the immediate release of Ahed Tamimi. Today Ms Tamimi will celebrate her 17th birthday behind bars. She is one of more than 300 Palestinian children in Israeli prisons and detention centres”, said Executive Officer, Kate Lee.

Her ongoing detention since 19 December is not only beyond justification, it contravenes the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child, to which Israel is a party, which clearly states that arrest and detention of a child shall be used only as a measure of last resort and for the shortest appropriate period of time.

Based on all of the evidence available, including video footage widely circulated, her arrest is grossly disproportionate to the actions she is alleged to have committed on 15 December 2017. Furthermore, reports of long and aggressive interrogations of this minor during her detention are unacceptable.

The suggestion that a 17-year-old could face up to 10 years in prison over her alleged slapping and kicking of two armed Israeli soldiers wearing protective gear in an attempt to have them leave her home is beyond comprehension.

Union Aid Abroad-APHEDA calls for the immediate release of Ahed Tamimi and all children currently detained as political prisoners inside Israeli prisons.

Take Action

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For more information, contact Executive Officer Kate Lee on 61-420293083