Tasmanian May Day Solidarity Singalong for Myanmar
On Saturday 15 May 2021, the Tasmanian Grassroots Union Choir came together to host a solidarity singalong to raise funds for workers in Myanmar.
On Saturday 15 May 2021, the Tasmanian Grassroots Union Choir came together to host a solidarity singalong to raise funds for workers in Myanmar.
The 2020 APHEDA Raffle was the longest we’ve ever held! Make sure to join us to watch the draw live.
The 2019 Union Aid Abroad – APHEDA Raffle was a great success! Thank you to all of our supporters who bought and sold tickets. The winners were drawn on Thursday 6 June by Unions NSW Secretary, Mark Morey.
Give generously to APHEDA’s appeal – support working women in Cambodia. Find all the promotional material and resources you need here.
The 2018 Union Aid Abroad – APHEDA Raffle was a great success! Thank you to all of our supporters who bought and sold tickets. The winners were drawn on Thursday 31 May by Natasha Flores (from Unions NSW).