Recognising Women’s Roles in Agriculture in Palestine

News Post

Jul 28, 2021


Palestinian women have long played a significant role in the agriculture sector, but this is not always recognised. Filmed in the Gaza Strip, this documentary aims to highlight women’s connection to the land as farmers – working side by side with men – and how knowledge is passed down through the generations.

Union Aid Abroad – APHEDA is working with Oxfam and our partners MA’AN Development Center and the Palestinian Businesswomen’s Association – ASALA to raise awareness of women’s hidden roles in agriculture and the unequal burden they carry of unpaid care and domestic work. Women’s farming roles are often seen as complementary to their main role as carers and therefore unpaid and less valued. This is despite evidence that women make a significant contribution to the agricultural sector. This leads to inequality in inheritance and ownership of land and decision-making.


The Ghalleh Project: Producing for Profit: Enhancing the long term profitability of small-scale Palestinian farmers and producers, is implemented by Union Aid Abroad – APHEDA and its partner organisations the Bethlehem University – Institute for Community Partnership, the Palestinian Businesswomen’s Association (ASALA), and the MA’AN Development Center.


Supported by the Australian Government through the Australia Middle East NGO Cooperation Agreement Phase III (AMENCA3)

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By becoming a member of Union Aid Abroad – APHEDA, you will be supporting the resilience of farming communities in Palestine. Your contributions will also go toward strengthening the resilience of other vulnerable communities around the globe, including migrant workers, refugees, and informal workers.