Western Sahara: Mohamed Mayara speaking tour

Western Sahara: Mohamed Mayara speaking tour

We are glad to announce that we are supporting the speaking tour of Mohamed Mayara, a journalist, political activist, human rights defender and trade unionist who lives in occupied Western Sahara. Tour will be held in Sydney, Adelaide and Melbourne.

Politics in the Club Canberra

Politics in the Club Canberra

On the 22 March, Union Aid Abroad – APHEDA ran a social event in Canberra to raise awareness among local unionists of the Asbestos. Not Here, Not Anywhere campaign. Supported and hosted by the CFMEU ACT Branch, our first Politics in the Club was a great...
Melbourne Update – March 2017

Melbourne Update – March 2017

Our activities this month were focused strongly on the women of the union movement. The awesome VTHC-led Women’s Rights at Work (WRAW) festival provided multiple opportunities for working women to come together and share political ideas and campaign strategies...
Melbourne Update – December 2016

Melbourne Update – December 2016

November and December have been great months for the Melbourne APHEDA Activists with a number of successful events and opportunities to bring more members into the Union Aid Abroad family. South East Asia Ban Asbestos Network Conference (Jakarta): During the first...

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