Union representatives from the Building and Wood Workers Trade Union Federation of Cambodia (BWTUC) have appealed to the Ministry of Labour to introduce regulations to restrict and prevent the use of asbestos in construction to protect worker’s health. Read more
Journalists Myo Myint Oo and Aung San Oo, associated with the independent online media outlet Dawei Watch, were sentenced to life and 20 years imprisonment respectively by a military court in the city of Myeik in southern Myanmar on August 27, with authorities failing to explain the verdict. Read more
Sophie Leonard is a field organiser with the CPSU in Brisbane and has been a dedicated member of Union Aid Abroad-APHEDA for nine years. Check out this short video interview filled with international camaraderie.  Read more
Seven years after Myanmar military unleashed brutal “clearance operations” against the Rohingya people, survivors in Rakhine State are threatened by another wave of genocide. The Myanmar Campaign Network is calling on the Australian Government to take decisive steps to address this ongoing crisis.  Read more
In the heart of Phnom Penh, a powerful workers' movement is growing driven by resilience, solidarity, and a commitment to justice. The Association to Support Vulnerable Women (ASVW), known locally as the Cambodian Prostitute’s Union (CPU), is leading the charge in advocating for the rights of sex and entertainment workers.   Read more
Migrant workers are particularly vulnerable to asbestos exposure due to their socio-economic conditions. They often work in high-risk sectors, such as construction and demolition, under unsafe conditions that others might avoid. Known as the "3Ds"—Dirty, Dangerous, and Demanding—these jobs often come with lower pay, longer hours, and complex, risky tasks.  Read more
Join us for a night to celebrate the 40th anniversary of the global justice organisation of the Australian union movement. his year is special. We celebrate four decades of Australian unionists coming together to build something greater than themselves, driven by a deep sense of solidarity.  Read more
South Africa is not exempt from the challenges posed by climate change. In recent years, the country has witnessed a shift in weather patterns, leading to adverse effects on its environment. Among the communities most affected by these changes are rural populations, where the effects of climate change are felt acutely. The Rural Women’s Assembly (RWA) of South Africa has emerged as a key player in educating and empowering these communities to navigate the growing crisis.   Read more
The global humanitarian situation is in crisis. 2023 was marked as the deadliest year for humanitarian workers and the most violent since World War II, while 2024 continues this trend with over 55 armed conflicts. On this day, it is crucial to address this deepening crisis of violence by redoubling our efforts in solidarity, social organization, and internationalism — key actions that enable us to confront global injustices. Read more

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