Inequality is on the rise in so many areas around the world. ACTU President, Ged Kearney, tackles some of the big questions on inequality in this speech delivered in Perth on Saturday 15 October at the Unions WA International Committee Conference. Read more
A record attendance for the Sydney Dinner, a great trivia night in Brisbane and more to come ... the inaugural WA APHEDA dinner in October and a long anticipated Melbourne dinner in November. Read more
With the bleaching of the Great Barrier Reef weighing heavily on the minds of many Australians, you could be forgiven for not having noticed the threat looming over Myanmar’s Salween River – another of the world’s great environmental treasures. Read more
University students in Papua New Guinea, who organised widespread protests calling on Prime Minister O’Neill to stand aside and face corruption charges, have again become the target of a ruthless crackdown – this time by their university. Read more
This month we introduce you to Nur Hayati. Nur Hayati is a labour activist and factory worker from Serang District on the outskirts of Jakarta. Read more
Last month, over 100 security workers were dismissed from Gardarmour Security, a company owned by East Timor’s top businessman, Eduardo Belo. Please sign and share the petition amongst your networks. Read more

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