A new Union Aid Abroad-APHEDA project aims to improve the lives of Timor-Leste’s farmers. The nation’s farmers stand at an important cross road in the country’s development. Project Officer - Vietnam, Cambodia & Lao PDR Karine Laroche explains how organising farmers can lift the standard of living for an entire nation. Read more
Looking ahead to the Melbourne Dinner and looking back at the Unions WA International Conference and the inaugural WA APHEDA Dinner. Read more
Australian unionists gave generously to provide support to workers and communities who had lost housing and livelihoods due to Vanuatu's Cyclone Pam in 2015 and Fiji's Cyclone Winston in 2016. Read more
Myanmar (formerly Burma) has come through the turbulence of its federal election in good stead and there is a bright future for the nation’s young democratic trade union movement if it can harness the new opportunities. Read more
Inequality is on the rise in so many areas around the world. ACTU President, Ged Kearney, tackles some of the big questions on inequality in this speech delivered in Perth on Saturday 15 October at the Unions WA International Committee Conference. Read more
A record attendance for the Sydney Dinner, a great trivia night in Brisbane and more to come ... the inaugural WA APHEDA dinner in October and a long anticipated Melbourne dinner in November. Read more
With the bleaching of the Great Barrier Reef weighing heavily on the minds of many Australians, you could be forgiven for not having noticed the threat looming over Myanmar’s Salween River – another of the world’s great environmental treasures. Read more

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