Thursday, October 29, 2020 | APHEDA People, Frontpage
Trade union leader, activist, internationalist and passionate APHEDA member, Debbie Gunn, talks to us about why being APHEDA means taking our union values, rights and solidarity and spreading the love across the globe. Meet Debbie!
Monday, September 28, 2020 | APHEDA People, Frontpage
This month we spoke with Inpeng Meunviseth from the Lao Federation of Trade Unions (LFTU). Inpeng gives us a unique insight into asbestos organising and worker’s rights in Laos.
Thursday, July 30, 2020 | Frontpage, Fundraising, Our work
Thanks to your solidarity, our partner union in Laos is bolstering its ability to organise workers to fight against exploitation in Laos.
Tuesday, June 2, 2020 | Asbestos
The following short films were made by the World Health Organisation (WHO) Regional Office for South-East Asia and the Asia Ban Asbestos Network to draw attention to the dangers of chrysotile exposure, and to explain how exposure to asbestos fibre causes asbestos-related diseases like lung cancer and mesothelioma.
Thursday, October 31, 2019 | Asbestos, Frontpage
Because of the growing momentum to ban asbestos in Asia, the asbestos lobby is fighting to reverse the major gains made towards securing an asbestos free future.