Union Aid Abroad-APHEDA People

Union Aid Abroad-APHEDA is about people – people working together to make things better for all. As the global justice organisation of the Australian union movement, each and every APHEDA supporter, member, partner, activist and participant here in Australia and all around the world contributes to the work it takes to tackle inequality and injustice.

As both a unionist and climate activist, Steph Cunio is adamant that “there’s no way we’re going to win on climate change unless we bring the union movement along.” This task of building concerted action between unionists and climate activists
As a veteran journalist in South East Asia, Phil Thornton has dedicated his career to giving a voice to the voiceless. In his reportage on armed conflicts, workers’ rights, and social justice, Phil has learnt that “ordinary people have to
When Lee Rhiannon was a young activist, she remembers seeing the anti-Vietnam War movement grow from a handful of people gathered in Sydney’s Martin Place to a mass movement of hundreds of thousands of people. This was Lee’s first experience
As the Secretary of the Australian Western Sahara Association, Lesley Osborn has been calling on the Australian people to put their solidarity into action for the past fifteen years. Asked what drives her activism, Lesley told us: “Solidarity is unity
Joining Union Aid Abroad – APHEDA was a no-brainer for Clare: “I’m an internationalist,” she explains.
“By standing together across borders, we can make a better world” - that was the message that celebrated human rights activist Naw K’nyaw Paw delivered to Union Aid Abroad – APHEDA members and supporters in the 2019 Annual Dinner. Here,
Mary Waterford has spent her whole life fighting for justice and equality. In her social work, unionism, and in her fundraising for international solidarity, Mary has been committed to helping disadvantaged people secure the rights that they others deny them.
When Elisabeth de Arajujo meets with domestic workers in the Timorese capital of Dili, she tells them: “you are a worker as me, I am also a worker – all of us are in the same position, so we have
Union Aid Abroad-APHEDA is about people working together to make things better for all. This month we meet Chris White, long-time APHEDA activist and lifelong unionist.

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