We need you to support the Stand with Rajendra campaign. Click the links below to download social media materials to share with your supporters. Read more
In March 2017, Mardi Gras was celebrated in Hanoi for the very first time. The final night was a colourful display of costumes and dazzling performances by both Vietnamese and Australian artists. Union Aid Abroad APHEDA’s Hanoi-based staff – Sharan, Phillip and Peter – went along to join in the festivities. Read more
Until relatively recently, asbestos was an unknown and difficult to publicly discuss issue in Laos. It is now getting high level attention. Read more
Union Aid Abroad – APHEDA is going to be talking a lot about the Rotterdam Convention in the lead up to this year’s meeting in April 2017. So what is the Rotterdam Convention, and why is it so important in the global fight against asbestos? Our Executive Officer, Kate Lee, takes us through the top five things to know in the lead up to Rotterdam 2017. Read more
Rajendra is a victim of the global asbestos industry. He's taking the voice of victims of asbestos-related diseases to the Rotterdam Convention meeting. Read more

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